
Thursday, June 10, 2010

I hate you Dad

He was crying out loud! He looked up as if some guardian angel might drop in as his savior. But alas, he was jostled down. He started weeping like a toddler. There he collapsed, downtrodden like an old sack! He started mumbling “I am in pain. I will pass out. Get me some water please”

In a moment’s time, he got kicked on face! I could feel his excruciating pain. The dormant rebel in me shouted “Stop it”. It’s blasphemy! Am I supposed to react this way? I was hauled from the scene of crime. I protested but finally subdued.


“Look at you, so handsome” – He shrugged and winked.

I got an urge to hide behind the wood. I was like a touch-me-not leaf being touched for the first time. Wow, the very first compliment. During last eleven years, I have been qualified as “clumsy” “imp” “stinky” etc. I lived my life as the worst creation.

He was a middle aged gentleman who waved his hands at me while I was waiting for bus. His hair style was the one which I always adored. Barber uncle used to mock me “Son, you should grow your hair a bit more to have the step cut.”

“What is your name?” He came closer to me. I started drawing pictures on the ground with my feet. He noticed my school badge and read “Abiezer. Nice name. Have you been to County Beach?”

I heard a lot about County Beach. Foreigners used to flock their for sun bath. Also, heard a lot about the gory stories and paranormal activities associated with this beach. Altogether, is an eerie place; but everyone wanted to visit this place out of curiosity. Once I thought of engaging in conversation with Dad about County beach. With the very reference of the place he stared me as if he is going to convert me to ashes!

“No. It is a bad place” I said in a mellowed tone. He laughed and came near me. He put his arms across my shoulder and said “Young man, nothing like that. It's a fantastic place. The resplendent sun descending down to the azure coloured ocean leaving brilliant artwork in the horizon – No one in this world would miss it for any chance. Let us plan to be there tomorrow evening. I can get you ice cream, kebabs from street hawkers.”

He started speaking like a poet. I was carried away by the description of possibilities. “But I don’t know who you are!” This time, I gained some confidence and started opening up. He came closer to me and said “I am going abroad tomorrow and hence came to your city. Just that, you resemble someone whom I know. I am sure, you will like my company. You will enjoy.”

I was tempted. Again, how can I present this at home? Seems, he understood my dilemma. He said “Just tell your Mom and Dad that, you have some extra activity at school and will be late. You come to Hotel Sea View in County Beach. I stay in Room Number 101. I am sure; you will love the delicacies of the hotel also.”

“Uncle, what’s your name?”
He thought for a moment and said “Suleiman. Please don’t ditch me. I won’t give this offer to any passerby. You seem to be a fantastic kid. I love kids!”

That was enough and more for me. Never in my life, I was appreciated and recognized. Suleiman Uncle turned out to be an angel who is going to fill my life with colours.


“Mom, have you been to County Beach ever?” I started striking conversation with her. I had no plan to reveal about next day’s plan but I could feel butterflies in my stomach.

“That is not the place for people like us” Mom said in a harsh tone.

“Why? I heard that, it is the most beautiful sun set point in the city. Also, delicious kebabs are available in the street. Also, there is a famous Hotel there” I was not supposed to reveal all this but ----

“What hotel? And who told you all this?” This time Mom was sounding quite serious.

“Hotel Sea View. I saw advertisement in the hoarding near School”. I never thought of being a master in crafting lies so well.

Mom became a bit suspicious and she started asking many questions. I have carefully avoided those and started dreaming about next day. I snuggled myself under the blanket and started dreaming Kebabs of Sea Tide, Sun Set etc. Day after tomorrow, I can boast a lot about all this with my classmates. Ennui is the root cause of my agony. This is a life time chance to break free.


I have almost parched while reaching Room Number 101. I was running all the way from School and three and a half miles marathon in sun in this muggy climate almost took life out of me. I was guided by the security guard in the reception who was smiling all the way while accompanying me to the room. Suleiman Uncle came out of the room with a wide smile and hugged me tight. He took me inside and locked the room.

He took me to the balcony and I could see the blue strip of ocean in a distance. “Shall we go there?” My dreams were about to fulfill in a few minutes.

“Sure, but you have to change your cloths. It is school uniform and people might think that you are fooling around”

“But, I have not carried extra pair”

“No problem. I told you, you will have fun for lifetime with me. This is what I got for you. Just tell your home that got this as a gift from School for participating in some competition”

He handed over a pair of denim and T-shirts to me. I was totally amazed at this gesture. He came near me and started unfasten my shirt. “Let me help you wear this new dress”

This gesture is never extended by my dad or mom. They left me on my own which I hated.Suddenly door bell rang and from the facial expression, I could make out that Uncle do not want to be disturbed. He murmured “What a nuisance” and opened the door.

Suddenly someone barged in the room and kicked him hard. He fell down and tried to get up but he was kicked down.


While I was dragged all the way out of the hotel, I felt like running away. I could not. While whimpering, I said “Dad, why did you do that to Suleiman Uncle. He is a nice fellow. He got me a present. Have you ever got me a present so far?”

I made a mistake by divulging about Hotel Sea View to Mom.

“Dad, I hate you. You spoiled my evening. I just hate you” I never got courage to seethe like this. For the first time Dad looked at me and said “Shut up! If you utter a single word, I will kill you”

Yes, that's my dad! Epitome of duress. I just hate you from the bottom of my heart!



  1. Nice blog there. To tell you the truth, your first post was a sixer for me and went far above my lil head ! and so will refrain from acting intelligent and commenting there. But this post was well written. The scary realities presented as a believable fiction!
    Keep them coming.
    The Silent One !
    P.s. Nice blog theme.

  2. Silent - You surprised me :-)
    Thanks for the visit. And be around and stay in touch,


  3. Awwee!!

    At times as kids we fail to understand our parents' love and concern...! We misunderstand the whole thing and end up hating them! We feel we are innocent and righteous!

    U have a great ability to express emotions, thoughts, actions in words! :)

    Keep penning!!
    Take Care!

  4. Expressed things in a very good way.

    What is causing the problem, the root cause may be looked upon. So, that things can be settled amicably.


  5. Sammy,

    Again - non communicating parents might expose kids to more dangers. Here, the dad performed his duty like a machine. If he believed in communicating more with kid, he might not have nurtured a rebellious feeling toward his dad,



  6. Gokul

    Welcome and thanks for your feedback,


  7. Sajit bhai,

    Tussi great ho:))Great post!!

    We often hate those protective hands around us.We wish to break the boundary lines and reach out to the unsafe lands.

    The layout of the blog is nice.Keep writing:)

  8. TKU - But dear, I wish you could have mentioned your name. If you choose anonymous option, kindly input name in comment without which I will miss the person behind the comment,

    Thanks a lot


  9. Now you're in business. Much closer to your real strength, the bated-breath-story-in-your-face (you have a a ribald imagination). The first post was a washout and forgettable; and this one, for a change, doesn't feature so many illiterate people among the "komments" (which brought a smile to my eyes, of course).

    It's still too wordy (and with a lot many mistakes and errors) to my liking, but you have redeemed yourself by quite a eyeful. Quite on the right track and this one has content. But you do abuse bold letters, etc, it's usually not done in writing, and it makes very hard reading. When you have so much of it, one really wonders what purpose is really served. And exclamation marks, too. 'Plain vanilla text' is always best.

    One serious problem was the really hectic juggling of POV. Be a little lenient to your readers, let them catch their breath!

    Nice, fast, and true this time.

    As somebody else has commented, excellent layout.


  10. And it works well in IE8 and above, no problems. Read a second time, nice story. This haven't made the words get in the way.

    Best, again.

  11. Sajit sir,

    The story of the kid's sentiments moved me. Yes, the parents needs to be communicative towards their offspring. Children are tender-hearted and ever-trusting. If their tender sentiments are hurt and their pious trust is broken, it brings about adverse consequences of a lifetime. These lovely gifts of God are like the goods whose cartoons carry the tag - Handle With Care.


  12. Zeinab,

    I have edited it a couple of times. Thanks for the suggestion and some of them are already implemented.

    And it is not like some are illiterate. It is said that friends are partial and some of them proved the dictum. Boswellian gesture of this sort is out of sheer affection. So, let me take the blame for them.

    Hectic juggling of POV - true. When I read, I felt the same. Will take care if ever I manage to come out with fiction :-)

    Layout - full credit to "anakhronous". With out her, this would have been a lifeless corner,

    I am happy to see you here,


  13. Jitendra,

    Thanks for being here again!
    Nice to know that you liked this post.

    And your review of "Awara" - Bang on! My comments are there below the review


  14. Amazing..i just love the way u write....btw is it the end of the story or to be continued...em wating for me :-) Manya

  15. Amazing..i just love the way u write....btw is it the end of the story or to be continued...em wating for more :-) Manya

  16. Sajit bhai,

    Sorry,i forgot to mention my name.

    BTW,Great going:)


  17. Manya,

    It's over :-( I mean, my finger started paining and hence I stopped :-))

    Thanks for being around


  18. Megna,

    Ahh, that was another "esoteric" visit :-)
    TKU, I was still wondering, who could be that!


  19. The boy will continue to be in misery. He never understood the action of dad. Wish this is read by parents. Wonderful

  20. Sajit,the story depicted here serves as a warning for parents who make their children vulnerable for others to exploit.In current times,the parents need to be more watchful and careful as children can be soft targets due to their immaturity and the horrific thing is that most of the times children are exploited by close relatives.It's very very frightening and parents have to be much more alert and vigilant than before as these type of acts are rising day by day.Lovely story shared here brother.Keep writing more.Cheers and God bless all.

  21. Quite relevant. Taboo subject but you presented the same in a presentable manner. And this might call for moral policing and I noticed someone ridiculing your imagination. Puritans, take a break. I am yet to have a gmail account, unbelievable. Hence, manifest as guest,


  22. Sunil,

    Thanks for sharing your views,


  23. Ketan Bhai,

    I am so happy to note that you got the essence of the post. I had similar idea and you have mentioned it well,

    Thanks for support,


  24. Intelligence Quotient,

    Did you see puritans here? Where? Should I seek the help of oracle?

    Thanks a lot for being around and long live,


  25. That was a brilliant dp beautifully and innocently narrated! One of the best works from you!

    Keep rocking!


  26. That children can be too trusting and misled because of innocence is brought out well in your story. Their inability to understand the concern of their unselfish protectors too is well portrayed.

    Keep writing such good ones.


  27. The very last line mars an otherwise excellent post. The story reveals the boy as somewhere aroung 7-10 years old, and I'm sure such a boy is incapable of a true fighting-teen comment like 'Yes, that's my dad! Epitome of duress...''.

    I hope you take this in the right spirit...

    The grave error in the metaphor (nobody says 'my dad is the example of force' only, the wordy flourish makes such comments possible; not in life, never) could perhaps be avoided in future, with careful training and self-control, because that's a part of your style., and stylistically, it's your bane.

  28. @IQ:
    Did you by any chance refer to my remark saying *ES* has a ribald imagination? I wasn't ridiculing him, I was complimenting him. And what a curious occurrence that you don't have a gmail account! Wonderful.

  29. In very few words you portrayed the rise and fall of a relationship of a kid and his parents. The father is dutiful but non-communicative and the son wants all the communication in the world to feel important. Both of them are right in their perspective.But yeah since parents are the elder ones in question they should always be very closely communicating with the child in the formative years. A simple appreciation or a gift can really make a child's day. A kid wants to see that he is a prince/princess in their parents eyes, that is the highest degree of recognition that matters to them. So when they dont get that they try to go after anyone or anything next best to their parents. And in due course might be dragged into trouble. So its basically the duty of a parent to take care of all the emotional needs of their kid as well as other needs. Specially teenage is the most crucial time when a parent needs to connect well with their kids.
    NIce story with a strong moral.
    Keep penning.


  30. Fenil,

    Would you like to buy the script? :-)
    Thanks for the visit,


  31. Professor,

    Thanks a lot. During my PG, came across many such cases (as I have opted a subject "Theory and practice of counseling")

    The theme is borrowed from an incident narrated by a young girl of ten. Her concern was different. But root cause of her concern was that her parents do not communicate / converse with her.

    But she presented her concern in an enigmatic manner - might be, she started spending time reading books or something like that.

    Thanks a lot,


  32. Zeinab,

    Thanks for revisit and that wonderful tip. But again, those kids who are subjected to penury of this sort, might develop a rebellious attitude. I came across a couple of them (refer to my reply to Prof. Nair)

    But again, there is an issue with articulation. Kid's thought process / dialogues where presented in a different manner in the initial paragraphs.


  33. RB,

    You got the essence of the story!
    This is exactly what I intended to convey.
    It's all about how well you relate with your kid or their life will be at stake.

    Take care


  34. Hi Sajit bhai - thats a new side of your writing. Good to see this, very well written. And your blog design and layout is excellent.

    Great presence on the bloggin world. Hope to see more from you.

  35. Deepak Bhai,

    Happy to see you here. Will try to raise the bar,


  36. How he hated him! it is settled deep inside in his heart, that his parents are his biggest enemies, who never like to see him happy, but kids grow up and he also will someday.... a perfect post!

  37. Anonymous

    Still wondering - Who could be this?
    Who ever you are, thanks for the visit and this comment! Thanks a lot,

