
Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Gentle zephyr caressed the shrubs and they were dancing to her tunes. Everything right from the blossoms, flora, and withered leaves were fluttering to the tune of zephyr. The cerulean sky remained as the silent witness of the grandeur of cadence beneath the clouds.

Could it be the soliloquy of delighted spirit? Zephyr is no longer gentle and it gained momentum with an ostentatious spirit. The gentle hoedown transformed to whirl of rage. Fallen leaves flurried in vortex and became the quintessence of the mood fluctuation of Mother Nature. Cerulean sky got the hue of sinister dark. The crimson red line in the distant horizon is no longer a dazzling panorama! Everything was clouded and was pushed behind a veil.

There was the soiree of dichotomous thoughts.
At times, suppurate out of penury but at the same time do not fail to raise toast on the imminent serendipity.
At times seeking succor in oblivion but yet longing to throw gauntlet against odds – the repulsive thoughts started churning body, mind and spirit! It’s time to break free or succumb to annihilation.

Inside / outside For the first time, I have opened the doors of my mind and gazed outside. For the first time “in” and “out” espied in unison. The histrionics of inward journey started meandering outside.

The sweet little flower shriveled with its petals blooming down. The bead of water on petals blended with sunbeam was glimmering. Each and every droplet reflected my myriad images!

Clocked ticked – It is the story of two minutes.

There is an epic behind every passing second.



  1. What a write-up Sajit sir ! Describing the beauty of the nature with such a sensitivity and in superb English. An esthetic man like me is bound to be hooked by reading such a piece.

    Jitendra Mathur

  2. Jit -
    Thanks a lot for the visit and encouragement! I was experimenting with the blog and in between lost two precious comments. Teething problem :-)


  3. Hi Sajit,

    Just commenting the way you penn up your dp's totally enthralled by em...
    flabbergasted with your play of words...leaving me often dumbstuck .
    Or in other words just dint knew what or how to reply to ur posts/reviews.

    by the way will try my level best to attend MS meet @ mumbai.

    Hope to see u and others there !!!!

  4. Hi Vel,

    Thanks a lot for the visit :-) I was afraid, whether I will lose comments due to enthusiastic experimentation :-)

    We will catch up soon. Tomorrow, I have doubts as being a week day, it is difficult to travel.


  5. Are you a poet? How can you paint such a beautiful prose in blog space. Just tell me are you some famous writer in veil?

  6. Nicole, Kidding Man? :-)
    Not any famous writer here. Just experimenting with blog.
    But thanks a lot for good words.


  7. esoteric soiree - too good a name. I was searching some obscure stuff and landed here. Are you Irish? Your style of writing resemble good old Irish lords. Nice post.


  8. esoteric soiree sajit,
    very well written bro....
    Mumbai MS meet when?

  9. Nicole gave me the link. Can I lift this text for a competition? I am a young girl (11 years old). Will you spare me if I reproduce a few lines somewhere?


  10. Sajit bhai,

    Wow!You have started your blog with one of my fav post.

    Best wishes for the blog.Keep enchanting us!!

    Ghost(Any guess?)

  11. Jimmy,
    Yeah, you read it as "esoteric" only and not "erotic", right? :-)
    Yes, you guessed it right. I belong to the pedigree of Cambro-Norman knights. Thanks


  12. Ajay (and I assume this is "Biradar" Ajay),

    TKU :-).
    And where is Mumbai and what is MS? Who is meeting? :-) Keep visiting,


  13. Scarlett (Johanson) plus Nicole, Kidding Man - Interesting :-)

    Eleven year old girl - taking the risk of being grounded in some juvenile justice home, you may plagiarize :-)

    Jokes apart, I have got rid of this from my system. It is yours, your wish,


  14. Ghost - Is this the girl, whom Titan Company chased to felicitate for a superb review :-)

    I am stupefied, petrified and mortified by the first "esoteric" visit :-)

    Keep coming sis, lot more to come.


  15. Beautiful post....brilliantly written...Already people have started falling in love with your words just in a few hours...thats the sign of a great author...

    Keep expressing....

  16. You started the comment. I am feeling sad that your lovely comments got deleted! How ever, your presence is most valued! Thanks a lot for revisit and all the blogging tips,


  17. Hey sajz, are you referring to my comments or someone else? Im about to post it but it got deleted when I push the wrong button accidentally. But I'll try to recollect what I have written. I'll come back soon.


  18. ohhh... what a way to describe the two minutes story from dawn to dusk! The words were just superb. You have expressed well, the moment between dawn and dusk; how mother nature and life ends before another day comes. Which reminds me of some lines in my story entitled, "When Scarlet Turns Gray" let me quote: "The orange and purplish combination of the sun as it begun to set before the dusk takes over, gives an inviting color of the deep ocean. The reflections of the colors above the sea water, looks like a tiny bits of diamonds that sparkles in the middle of the ocean." Thats why I can very much relate to the story.

    But, it could have been more nicer if u started it from dusk to dawn(just my thought)- as the dawn meets the sunrise in the beaming horizon as the start of a new day, new life, new hope, new glory! But nevertheless, the short story is interestingly amazing!

    Keep up the good works.


  19. Life can be spent in a way where you can create an epic with every passing second.Lovely words.You are the creator of your own destiny where you have the privilege of carving a niche for yourself and making the world recognize your achievements and feats.Let the world applaud you and feel proud to have you in the human clan.Sajit,I am glad that you have started with an excellent piece here which depicts your true stature.It's a fantastic fusion of poetry and prose combined with a nice literary touch.The rhythmic force in this writing just seems divine and blessed.Keep enchanting us with your magical writing forever.Cheers and God bless all.

    Ketan Doshi.

  20. Congrats Sajit bhai on your first blog post! What an epic first post to start off with. You have wonderfully expressed the co-relation between the inside world and the outside world. Nature personified!

    I am now a follower of your blog and looking forward to read more posts from you. I also tried my luck on but unfortunately it did not click due to lack of visitors and enthusiasm :-) May be people thought I am an egomaniac because my blog is named "borntoeducate"

    Best regards,

  21. Angie,
    Your visit with loads of love from Manila pepped up my spirit.
    Dust to Dawn - thanks for that fantastic ideas. In fact, ideas getting pooled by soiree of friends might turn out to be something amazing soon.

    Keep visiting Angie and promise - this space won't be having anything that might let your spirit down!


  22. Ketan Bhai,

    That was an excellent rendition on human spirit. True, we fail to see multifarious dimensions of life. We celebrate birthday but neglect myriad passing seconds.

    Thanks a lot for support and keep visiting,


  23. Karan Dear,

    I will be visiting your blog shortly. What is in a name?
    Let us pour in some life to your space. And two Karan's are following this blog :-) You manage two accounts?


  24. Sajit bhai,

    I have only one account(google account)

    I wonder who the other "karan" is? :-|(thinking)


  25. Sajith reading your post seems my words are simply words without any life...Keep writing more...Welcome to Blog World...

  26. Karan Bhai ,

    Uff - it all got mixed up :-)
    Our friend Suraj's previous id in MS was "lifeofkaran" and hence I got confused :-

    Now that I got confirmation - will take care,


  27. Cinderella,

    Sweetie - I was in your place :-) Let me learn some more tips from you regarding the architecture of blog :-)

    Thanks for your support and encouragement,


  28. Sajit,

    You never cease to amaze me. There is a poet locked up in you to whom you have given expression in this blog. Carry on writing in this vein and thrill everyone who reads you.

    Happy to note that you already have a good following.

    BTW, does this mean you are not going to write on MS hereafter. I hope the answer is "NO".

  29. Amazing post....amazing words and last but not the least amazing name 'Esoteric Soiree'....Short of words to comment on this lovely post of yours...i can just say..Keep writing....Manya

  30. Thanks for dropping by my blog...This effect in your blog is simple great. Use this ShoutMix app, it is really useful, it works like a chat box in your blog...Keep visiting my blog for more, will do the same...

  31. Professor,

    You made by day with your esteem visit! Your seal of approval will give me further push :-)

    Of course "NO". MS, blessed me with such a great network of well wishers, how can I bid adieu to that space?

    I just quoted one of your comments to Nags as a reply to someone :-) You might have noticed the same.


  32. Manya,

    Thanks a lot for good words. Feel like being surrounded by generous host of friends in digital plantation. Keep visiting,


  33. Cinderella,

    I tried my level best to incorporate the same, but somehow, I am not able to trace the HTML Tag to be placed here. Let me try again, Keep visiting,


  34. Interesting write-up! This was the post that was deleted from MS?


  35. Yes Fenil. You got it! The same one with minor modification.



  36. Hey! Great post. You have a way with words, amazing!

    Was this deleted from MS? Why?

  37. Deepak Bhai,

    By principle, I wanted not to replicate my posts. Hence deleted from MS and posted here.

    Will continue to be in MS and this will be a different entity,

    Stay in touch,


  38. How happy i am to see this post reincarnated here. But sadly my comments could not be...but yes the feelings after reading it will remain same forever.

  39. Yes - so you are one among the few who read this before! Come on, do away with this identity of being anonymous.

    Thanks a lot,

