
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

++The cosmopolitan++

It is my sincere aspiration to be a cosmopolitan. Not because I am having a multi ethnic background but again, there is no fun to carry a tag. Don’t get me wrong! I am not trying to deliver gospel on universal brotherhood and secularism. Just that this blog has got something to do with community. Overnight, I have got the additional responsibility to wear the garb of the savior of “Malayalis”.

Just to flex my muscles and burn a few calories and to save a few pennies, I have taken up the protracted task of cleaning my cars. An old Bajaj Classic impinged into the parking space allotted to me. This would have infuriated me but again, I am a bit sentimental about Bajaj Classic. Dad used to take me places in the same vehicle. KL-01 registration brought smile on my face.

In a while, two gentlemen came near the scooter and started admiring the same. One of them looked at my car and told the other one in a mellowed tone “MH 12 registration. Local guy! If he is trying to create an issue regarding parking, just raise your tone. These guys are docile”

He told this in vernacular assuming that I am from the neighboring planet. Fine, let me be an alien for a while. It is going to be fun. I continued cleaning the car with a straight face. The other one (supposedly the owner of the scooter) was sounding quite confident “Yes. I don’t care for these guys. If they are trying to be smart, I am going to make him feel the taste of life”

I was almost tempted to address his forefathers with all good words. But again, I have decided to remain tight lipped for a while. In a few minutes time, one gentleman left. The other one started cleaning his scooter as if he is performing a religious ceremony. He caressed the scooter as if he is handling a delicate darling for the first time. Afterwards he sprinkled some water and I was wondering whether he is going to chant some Vedic hymns

In a while, another friend of mine joined me and offered helping hand. In a while, the other gentleman almost performed a miniature surgery of his scooter. He removed the panels and started cleaning the internal organs of the scooter with a surgeon’s precision. He was wearing a dark yellow T Shirt and multi coloured Lungi. At times, he used to wipe oil and grease with his Lungi.

What happened next was something which I may not forget in this life time. All weak hearted friends, puritans and children may opt to leave this space. Consider this as spoiler alert.

I have dared to ask him “Sir, what is your name?”
He stared at me as if Lord Shiva opened his third eye.
“Why? You want to raise a complaint that I have encroached into your parking space? I am Thankappan. Flat number 102”

I could see my friend trying to control his laughter. I was about to answer but Thangappan performed a magnanimous ritual. He started the scooter and all the internal organs of the vehicle started vibrating. In a moment’s time, Thangappan’s Lungi was pulled inside the scooter by a rotating organ of the scooter. He tried to pull it back but the cloth got enmeshed inside the scooter in a terrible manner which left his efforts in vain.

Suddenly my friend whispered in my ears “God, he is not wearing under garment”

Perhaps, Thankappan himself realized this fact at this moment and he tried to pull his T-shirt down to cover his modesty. I was scared to death with this sight and was almost frozen to death.

Thankappan started speaking in Vernacular “Is there any short cut to reach first floor?”
I have read somewhere that during the last moments of life, people will speak in their mother tongue. This time, I became a bit sympathetic at him and responded in his mother tongue “Just turn left, there is a service lift. Normally not used by people. You can reach first floor. Or, rest inside my car. I will get you something to wear”

To my surprise, he ran toward the service lift. In a moment’s time we heard two ladies screaming. We thought of following him and saw two ladies covering their face with palms and hugging each other. Seems, Thankappan incarnated in front of them in the most transparent form.

Thankappan himself got frightened and started climbing the steps. We could see him reaching first floor and getting inside a flat. Goodness heaven, door of his flat was open and hence he did not have to spend time waiting after pressing calling bell.

Again we heard some earth shattering noises from the flat. Thankappan came outside the flat and started knocking the door of the adjacent flat. He barged into a wrong flat. He waited for three minutes and was greeted by his wife. He addressed her with all the swear words in the vernacular for the delay. A few of those swear words enriched my vocabulary.

After effects –
Thankappan is rechristened as “Nangappan”
All the residents in my society believe that those who belong to my community do not believe in the concept of under garments.
Someone placed him with a request "If you plan this show in near future, please give us advance intimation so that, women and kids can be rehabilitated somewhere"

An old uncle from my home town told me “Son, you have to prove them that Thangappan is an odd man out. All of us wear under garments. You are an influential person. You should not let our community down”

Fine – but how can I prove to the rest of the world that we believe in under garments? Should I organize a "Community Lingerie Exhibition" or something like that?

Well, it is safer to be a cosmopolitan!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

I hate you Dad

He was crying out loud! He looked up as if some guardian angel might drop in as his savior. But alas, he was jostled down. He started weeping like a toddler. There he collapsed, downtrodden like an old sack! He started mumbling “I am in pain. I will pass out. Get me some water please”

In a moment’s time, he got kicked on face! I could feel his excruciating pain. The dormant rebel in me shouted “Stop it”. It’s blasphemy! Am I supposed to react this way? I was hauled from the scene of crime. I protested but finally subdued.


“Look at you, so handsome” – He shrugged and winked.

I got an urge to hide behind the wood. I was like a touch-me-not leaf being touched for the first time. Wow, the very first compliment. During last eleven years, I have been qualified as “clumsy” “imp” “stinky” etc. I lived my life as the worst creation.

He was a middle aged gentleman who waved his hands at me while I was waiting for bus. His hair style was the one which I always adored. Barber uncle used to mock me “Son, you should grow your hair a bit more to have the step cut.”

“What is your name?” He came closer to me. I started drawing pictures on the ground with my feet. He noticed my school badge and read “Abiezer. Nice name. Have you been to County Beach?”

I heard a lot about County Beach. Foreigners used to flock their for sun bath. Also, heard a lot about the gory stories and paranormal activities associated with this beach. Altogether, is an eerie place; but everyone wanted to visit this place out of curiosity. Once I thought of engaging in conversation with Dad about County beach. With the very reference of the place he stared me as if he is going to convert me to ashes!

“No. It is a bad place” I said in a mellowed tone. He laughed and came near me. He put his arms across my shoulder and said “Young man, nothing like that. It's a fantastic place. The resplendent sun descending down to the azure coloured ocean leaving brilliant artwork in the horizon – No one in this world would miss it for any chance. Let us plan to be there tomorrow evening. I can get you ice cream, kebabs from street hawkers.”

He started speaking like a poet. I was carried away by the description of possibilities. “But I don’t know who you are!” This time, I gained some confidence and started opening up. He came closer to me and said “I am going abroad tomorrow and hence came to your city. Just that, you resemble someone whom I know. I am sure, you will like my company. You will enjoy.”

I was tempted. Again, how can I present this at home? Seems, he understood my dilemma. He said “Just tell your Mom and Dad that, you have some extra activity at school and will be late. You come to Hotel Sea View in County Beach. I stay in Room Number 101. I am sure; you will love the delicacies of the hotel also.”

“Uncle, what’s your name?”
He thought for a moment and said “Suleiman. Please don’t ditch me. I won’t give this offer to any passerby. You seem to be a fantastic kid. I love kids!”

That was enough and more for me. Never in my life, I was appreciated and recognized. Suleiman Uncle turned out to be an angel who is going to fill my life with colours.


“Mom, have you been to County Beach ever?” I started striking conversation with her. I had no plan to reveal about next day’s plan but I could feel butterflies in my stomach.

“That is not the place for people like us” Mom said in a harsh tone.

“Why? I heard that, it is the most beautiful sun set point in the city. Also, delicious kebabs are available in the street. Also, there is a famous Hotel there” I was not supposed to reveal all this but ----

“What hotel? And who told you all this?” This time Mom was sounding quite serious.

“Hotel Sea View. I saw advertisement in the hoarding near School”. I never thought of being a master in crafting lies so well.

Mom became a bit suspicious and she started asking many questions. I have carefully avoided those and started dreaming about next day. I snuggled myself under the blanket and started dreaming Kebabs of Sea Tide, Sun Set etc. Day after tomorrow, I can boast a lot about all this with my classmates. Ennui is the root cause of my agony. This is a life time chance to break free.


I have almost parched while reaching Room Number 101. I was running all the way from School and three and a half miles marathon in sun in this muggy climate almost took life out of me. I was guided by the security guard in the reception who was smiling all the way while accompanying me to the room. Suleiman Uncle came out of the room with a wide smile and hugged me tight. He took me inside and locked the room.

He took me to the balcony and I could see the blue strip of ocean in a distance. “Shall we go there?” My dreams were about to fulfill in a few minutes.

“Sure, but you have to change your cloths. It is school uniform and people might think that you are fooling around”

“But, I have not carried extra pair”

“No problem. I told you, you will have fun for lifetime with me. This is what I got for you. Just tell your home that got this as a gift from School for participating in some competition”

He handed over a pair of denim and T-shirts to me. I was totally amazed at this gesture. He came near me and started unfasten my shirt. “Let me help you wear this new dress”

This gesture is never extended by my dad or mom. They left me on my own which I hated.Suddenly door bell rang and from the facial expression, I could make out that Uncle do not want to be disturbed. He murmured “What a nuisance” and opened the door.

Suddenly someone barged in the room and kicked him hard. He fell down and tried to get up but he was kicked down.


While I was dragged all the way out of the hotel, I felt like running away. I could not. While whimpering, I said “Dad, why did you do that to Suleiman Uncle. He is a nice fellow. He got me a present. Have you ever got me a present so far?”

I made a mistake by divulging about Hotel Sea View to Mom.

“Dad, I hate you. You spoiled my evening. I just hate you” I never got courage to seethe like this. For the first time Dad looked at me and said “Shut up! If you utter a single word, I will kill you”

Yes, that's my dad! Epitome of duress. I just hate you from the bottom of my heart!


Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Gentle zephyr caressed the shrubs and they were dancing to her tunes. Everything right from the blossoms, flora, and withered leaves were fluttering to the tune of zephyr. The cerulean sky remained as the silent witness of the grandeur of cadence beneath the clouds.

Could it be the soliloquy of delighted spirit? Zephyr is no longer gentle and it gained momentum with an ostentatious spirit. The gentle hoedown transformed to whirl of rage. Fallen leaves flurried in vortex and became the quintessence of the mood fluctuation of Mother Nature. Cerulean sky got the hue of sinister dark. The crimson red line in the distant horizon is no longer a dazzling panorama! Everything was clouded and was pushed behind a veil.

There was the soiree of dichotomous thoughts.
At times, suppurate out of penury but at the same time do not fail to raise toast on the imminent serendipity.
At times seeking succor in oblivion but yet longing to throw gauntlet against odds – the repulsive thoughts started churning body, mind and spirit! It’s time to break free or succumb to annihilation.

Inside / outside For the first time, I have opened the doors of my mind and gazed outside. For the first time “in” and “out” espied in unison. The histrionics of inward journey started meandering outside.

The sweet little flower shriveled with its petals blooming down. The bead of water on petals blended with sunbeam was glimmering. Each and every droplet reflected my myriad images!

Clocked ticked – It is the story of two minutes.

There is an epic behind every passing second.
